Monday, August 18, 2014

Early Effect

Summary about the Lecture on 18-08-2014
1.      The generalised transistor equation is  
2.      Large signal current gain (CB) is

3.      Typical value of α is between 0.90-0.995.
4.      The consequences of Early effect
a)      α increases with |VCB| as there is less chance of recombination within the base region.
b)      IE increases with |VCB| because the concentration gradient of minority charges within the base region is increased. This is due to decrease in the effective base width.
c)      For extremely large reverse voltage across the collector junction makes the effective base width reduced to zero causing a breakdown called punch-through.
5.      There exhibits a voltage in the input characteristics of the BJT called cutin, offset or threshold voltage below which the input current is very small.
6.      There are three regions in the output characteristics of the BJT namely
a)      Active region:
                                            i.            In this region the JE is FB and the JC is RB.
                                          ii.            The IC is independent of VC and dependent only upon IE
                                        iii.            A small increase in |IC| is observed with increase in |VC|, this is due to Early effect.
b)      Saturation region:
                                            i.            In this region both the JE and JC are FB.
                                          ii.            BJT behaves as a switch in ON state.
                                        iii.            This region is characterised by the region closure to the ordinate where the output current increases rapidly with the output voltage.
c)      Cut-off region:
                                            i.            In this region both the JE and JC are RB.
                                          ii.            This region is characterised by the region below the curve corresponding to output current equal to zero.
Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGrawHill.
Robert  L.  Boylestad and Louis  Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson.

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