Friday, August 29, 2014

My Research

My Research on Photovoltaic Applications

  1. J.S. Christy Mano Raj, A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar, "A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Photovoltaic Module Based on Power Plane Analysis of I–V Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.61, no.9, pp.4734-4745, Sept. 2014. ISSN: 0278-0046

  2. J.S. Christy Mano Raj, A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar,"A two stage successive estimation based maximum power point tracking technique for photovoltaic modules, Solar Energy, Volume 103, May 2014, Pages 43-61, ISSN 0038-092X.

  3. R. Balasankar, G. Tholkappia Arasu, J.S. Christy Mano Raj,"A global MPPT technique invoking partitioned estimation and strategic deployment of P&O to tackle partial shading conditions", Solar Energy, Volume 143, Feb 2017, Pages 73-85, ISSN 0038-092X.

Monday, August 25, 2014


Review Questions in BJT - Part1

  1. Explain the reason why the characteristic curves in the output characteristics of CB configuration are flat and those curves in CE configuration are having a slope?
  2. In which configuration a forward biasing voltage is required to  reduce the collector current to zero. State the reason.
  3. Why the cut-off region in the CE configuration is not well defined?
  4. Why the input characteristic of CC configuration is quite different from those of CB and CE configurations?
  5. Explain briefly the method to obtain the Early voltage from the output characteristics of a BJT?
  6. State the applications of CB, CE and CC configurations and also elucidate which configuration is profusely used and why?
  7. What factors facilitates the use of hybrid parameters to analyze BJT?
  8. List out the consequences of Early effect?
  9. State the reason for increase in IB for a given value of VBE with the increase in VCE in the input characteristics of a CE configuration?
  10. Draw the construction of a BJT precisely and annotate with the doping profile of various layers?
  11. State the reasons for such construction in Q10?
  12. State the reasons for such doping profiles in Q10?
  13. For a certain transistor, IB=20µA; IC=2mA and β=100 then compute ICB0.
  14. A particular BJT has a value of α=0.95, determine the values of β and γ.
  15. State the constituents of collector current in a BJT and state their causes?
  16. Derive the current gain characteristics for VCE=6V from the CE output characteristics in
    Figure 1

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Common Base BJT

Summary about the lecture on 19-08-2014
Common Base Input Characteristics
  • It is essentially the characteristics of a FB PN junction
  • The input characteristics shifts towards the ordinate when the collector-base reverse bias voltage is increased, because as the |VCB| increases the depletion region in the JC deeply penetrates into the base region and reduces the effective base width causing an increase in the emitter current IE. Hence for a given value of |VEB| the input current increases with increase in |VCB|.
Common Base Output Characteristics
  • IC is almost equal to IE.
  • IC appears to be almost constant when VCB is increased. This is due to the fact that with IE held constant, the increase in IC due to the reduction in the effective base width on account of increase in VCB is so small and noticeable only at large values of VCB. Hence the output curves appears to be almost horizontal.
  • It is noteworthy from the output characteristics, that even when the potential VCB is zero, the collector current IC still flows. This is due to the fact that there exists an inherent barrier voltage across the JC, even when the external reverse bias voltage VCB is zero. This inherent barrier voltage aids the flow of IC, because the electric field established in the JC acts in such a direction to pull the minority charge carriers in the base region into the collector region constituting the current IC. Hence in order to reduce the collector current IC to zero it is essential to apply a forward biasing voltage to the junction JC.
  • In the cut-off region, the magnitude of the current ICB0 is so small such that the curve, corresponding to IE=0, seems virtually lies on the horizontal axis. Remember that the current ICB0 is sensitive to temperature.
David A. Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits - 5Ed, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - 10Ed, Pearson, New Delhi.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Early Effect

Summary about the Lecture on 18-08-2014
1.      The generalised transistor equation is  
2.      Large signal current gain (CB) is

3.      Typical value of α is between 0.90-0.995.
4.      The consequences of Early effect
a)      α increases with |VCB| as there is less chance of recombination within the base region.
b)      IE increases with |VCB| because the concentration gradient of minority charges within the base region is increased. This is due to decrease in the effective base width.
c)      For extremely large reverse voltage across the collector junction makes the effective base width reduced to zero causing a breakdown called punch-through.
5.      There exhibits a voltage in the input characteristics of the BJT called cutin, offset or threshold voltage below which the input current is very small.
6.      There are three regions in the output characteristics of the BJT namely
a)      Active region:
                                            i.            In this region the JE is FB and the JC is RB.
                                          ii.            The IC is independent of VC and dependent only upon IE
                                        iii.            A small increase in |IC| is observed with increase in |VC|, this is due to Early effect.
b)      Saturation region:
                                            i.            In this region both the JE and JC are FB.
                                          ii.            BJT behaves as a switch in ON state.
                                        iii.            This region is characterised by the region closure to the ordinate where the output current increases rapidly with the output voltage.
c)      Cut-off region:
                                            i.            In this region both the JE and JC are RB.
                                          ii.            This region is characterised by the region below the curve corresponding to output current equal to zero.
Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGrawHill.
Robert  L.  Boylestad and Louis  Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson.