Friday, September 7, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

IC Fabrication Assignment 1

IC Fabrication Process Assignment 1

1. Explain in detail how Integrated Circuits are classified?
2. What are the four basic layers every Integrated Circuits possess? State their purpose?
3. List out various processes involved in the fabrication of Integrated circuits using Planar method?
4. Discuss in detail the Silicon Wafer preparation with neat sketches?
5. With the basic chemical reaction involved in the process of epitaxial growth explain the process with necessary illustrations?
6. What molecular form the n and p type of impurities are administered in epitaxial growth?
7. Explain the atmosphere present in the reaction chamber meant for epitaxial growth?
8. State the significance of oxidation layer in IC fabrication process?
9. Explain the oxidation process involved in IC fabrication with a neat illustration of the reaction chamber?
10. State the methods preferred for thin and thick oxide growth?
11. Explain a) Contact Printing and b) Proximity Printing methods used in Photolithography process with neat illustrations? Also state their pros and cons?
12. ON what factors does the critical dimension in Shadow printing method depend on? Write the controlling expression.
13. What are photo resists? How are they classified? Explain them.
14. Explain briefly the following methods of lithography. 1) Electron Beam Lithography, 2) Extreme ultraviolet Lithography, 3) X-Ray Lithography and 4) Ion Beam Lithography.
15. What are the various elemental forms of impurities used in diffusion process of IC fabrication?
16. What are the factors which affect the depth of diffusion in diffusion process?
17. Explain in detail a) Thermal Diffusion technique and b) Ion implantation technique
18. Draw the doping concentration as a function of depth of diffusion and profile of dopant distribution in the technique stated in Question 18.
19. State the chemical reaction taking place in Dry and Wet oxidation process?
20. What is meant by etching? Explain briefly a) Wet Chemical etching and b) Dry etching.

Friday, August 29, 2014

My Research

My Research on Photovoltaic Applications

  1. J.S. Christy Mano Raj, A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar, "A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Photovoltaic Module Based on Power Plane Analysis of I–V Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.61, no.9, pp.4734-4745, Sept. 2014. ISSN: 0278-0046

  2. J.S. Christy Mano Raj, A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar,"A two stage successive estimation based maximum power point tracking technique for photovoltaic modules, Solar Energy, Volume 103, May 2014, Pages 43-61, ISSN 0038-092X.

  3. R. Balasankar, G. Tholkappia Arasu, J.S. Christy Mano Raj,"A global MPPT technique invoking partitioned estimation and strategic deployment of P&O to tackle partial shading conditions", Solar Energy, Volume 143, Feb 2017, Pages 73-85, ISSN 0038-092X.